How do I use self-service ads?
Navigate to
Fill in all the details on the self-serve ad form and click "Pay & Launch".
How do I manage my campaigns?
You can either log in to your account and go to or you can view all your campaigns in your Product Hub settings (more here on getting admin access).
Navigate to My Products:
Click 'Manage':
Click on the 'Promote' tab:
Click 'Go to ads' under Self Serve Advertising:
How does the pricing work?
Our advertising pricing is done at a cost per thousand impressions (CPM). We define an impression as when the ad is in the user's viewport for at least one second. The pricing for the CPM is dynamic based on availability, but it will never go above $35. The number you see when you enter your budget is the minimum number of impressions you'll get and will be calculated using a CPM of $35.
For a fixed CPM, check out our managed campaigns starting at $10,000.
What results can I expect?
Advertising varies per company, but across all campaigns, we see an average CTR of 1%. You can view your campaign results at
How long will it take to be approved?
We expect to review your ads within one business day.
How long will my campaign run for?
You will be able to choose the length that your campaign will run for.
Can I edit my ad after my campaign starts?
No, ads can’t be edited after the campaign starts. For editable campaigns, check out our premium campaigns.
Who can I reach out to with questions?
Please reach out to the team at with any questions.